Project activities

The project activities include annual meetings and conferences attendance/organisation, Workshops, Training events, and Webinars, Project Website/Social Media Page, Exchange or co-supervising PhD students.

News 1: A matching funding (2021YFE0112500) was awarded to the Chinese project partners from the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of the People's Republic of China, amounting to 1.52 million RMB. 
News 2: A Steering Committe for co-cool project was established for decision-making, consisting of one representative from each beneficiary.
News 3: A special issue for sustainable cooling and cold storage technologies has been launched on Discovery Energy by co-cool project partners, the link is
News 4: The kick off meeting was held successfully on 3rd November, 2021 through zoom. There are three major parts during the meeting: 1) Every representative from each beneficiary gave a brief self-introduction; 2) The project manager Prof Yongliang gave a brief introduction of the co-cool project so far; 3) Every representative presented their reseach work and contribution to this project. 




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